french micro glossary for you

If.....If laaaa.... if you guy wanna celebrate ya eid mubarak abroad. Mebbe one of the famous country you are interested to go is France. Rite?

Here, some words which i think can make your trip much easier even a bit.

Good Morning - Bonjour

Good Evening - Bonsoir

Good Night - Bonne nuit

Good Bye - Au Revoir

How much, How many? - Combien?

Thank You - Mercy

Excuse Me - Excusez-moi

I am sorry - Je suis desole

I don't understand - Je ne comprends pas

Why? - Pourquoi?

Where are the toilets? - Ou sont les toilettes?

How are you? - Comment allez-vous?

Very well, thanks - Tres bien, merci.

My name is .......... - Je m'applelle.......

I live in .......... - J'habite a ..................

I am looking for.......... - Je cherce ....

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